Vira Bhadrasana 2 – Visionary Hero Yoga Asana

The Visionary Hero Yoga Pose, also called Virabhadrasana, strengthens your legs and hips, uplifts your spirit, develops will power. Watch carefully – this Video is without sound. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.


Muktasana – Meditation Pose

Muktasana, „the liberation posture“, is probably the most popular meditation pose. Carlotta demonstrates how you get into Muktasana. Without sound. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos


Sukhasana – getting into Meditation Pose

Carlotta demonstrates how you can get into Sukhasana, the simple cross-legged position. This is a very easy Meditation pose. Without sound. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos


Hand-Mudras for Meditation

Try out different hand and finger positions, Mudras, for meditation. Watch carefully – there is no explanation with this Video. You must be attentive… The position of the hand can have a strong influence on the quality of your meditation. These hand and finger positions are called Mudras. These Mudras can help Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos


Siddhasana – the Perfect Meditation Pose

Siddhasana, the „Perfect Pose“, is a very important Asana (posture) for Meditation. In this Yoga Vidya you can see how you can go into Siddhasana. No sound – silent Yoga Movie. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.


Tricks for Headstand – with Narayani

Come to headstand with a simple and effient trick. If you can’t do headstand yet, but have a strong and healthy neck, try out this variation to come into Yoga Headstand, Shirshasana, also spelled Sirsasana. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Yoga Pigeon in Splits – Raja Pakotasana – with Narayani

Narayani shows you a little trick how you can do Yoga Pigeon Raja Pakotasana in Splits. Of course, you need to be quite flexible to be able to do it. The variation is especially good for all who can do splits but have to work with their backward bends. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. She shows that you can even chant Mantras while doing these Hatha Yoga Asanas… Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Simhasana – Hatha Yoga Lion Pose

Simahasana, the Lion, is a combination of Asana, Mudra, Pranayama and Kriya. Narayani explains you the how and why, and demonstrates. You can try along. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Pincha Mayurasana – Peacock Variation

Pincha Mayurasana is a variation of the peacock. Pincha means tail feather. It is also a variation of Vrikshasana, the scorpion. At the end you hear a dog barking – this is Ricky, the dog of Sukadev and Shivakami, directors of Yoga Vidya Ashram. This Asana is demonstrated by Narayani, a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Short Yoga Sequence: Mayuri Asana, Ustrasana, Svanasana, Padahastasana, Tatasana

A short Yoga Sequence which you can integrate at the end of the classical Sivananda Yoga Class/Yoga Vidya Class: Mayuri Asana, variation of Peacock – Ustrasana, Camel – Svanasana, Dog Pose – Pada Hastasana, standing forward bend – Tatasana, standing pose. For Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga Practicioners. And for Yoga teachers looking for some new variations for Yoga Class.. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Variations of Mayurasana, Yoga Peacock

Hamsasana, Mayuri Asana and Pincha Mayurasana – three variations to try out for intermediate Yoga Students who want to make progress in their Hatha Yoga Asanas or want to try out something new. Demonstrated by Narayani in Sahasrara Room in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany. More on


Cobra and Dog – Yoga Sequence

Try out a small Yoga sequence: Bhujangasana and Svanasana – dog and cobra Hatha Yoga Asana. This sequence develops strength, flexibility and coordination. You can integrate this Yoga sequence in Surya Namaskar or at the beginning of the backward bends. Explained and demonstrated by Narayani in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Narayani is a 62 year old Yoga teacher and Master. Recording from Yoga Vidya Ashram Meinberg, Germany. Narayani is teaching Yoga Seminars and Teachers Training Courses in Yoga Vidya Germany.


Rose Meditation – with Narayani

Meditate on a Rose – a simple way to feel joy and love and fill yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. Guided Meditation by Narayani, Yoga and Meditation Master, Book Author from London. Filmed in Sahasrara Room at Yoga Vidya Germany.


Headstand and Scorpion – Pincha Mayurasana – Advanced Yoga Practice

Learn a new variation – Pincha Mayurasana. Narayani demonstrates how you can get into this Yoga Peacock Variation. She shows you that even when you are older than 60 years, you can still performk advanced Yoga Asanas… More Yoga Videos on


Agni Sara – Yoga Fire Cleansing

Activate your digestive fire, get new enthusiasm with Agni Sara, the Yoga Fire Cleansing – don’t worry: no physical fire involved 🙂 Best done on an empty stomach in the morning – suited for beginning and advanced students. Very good for treatment of any problem of the abdominal organs. Demonstrated by Carlotta, guided by Sukadev. More Videos on


Chakrasana Yoga Wheel Variations

Carlotta is demonstrating different more advanced variations of Yoga Wheel Position. Sound quality is not to good – so, best ist to turn the sound off. Filmed in German country side – wonderful to see. Feel relaxation just by watching. Demonstrated by Carlotta of Ayurveda Oasis in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.


Strengthen your Abdominal Muscles

Develop your abdominal muscles! Practice different variations of „Navasana“, the Yoga boat on your back. Be prepared for a more strenous, but very beneficial Yoga Workout. Practice these exercises at least once a week- your back will be grateful! More on Yoga Exercises for your abs: . Demonstrated by Yoga Teacher/Yoga Therapist Mahashakti, explained by Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya Germany.


Yoga Bird Asana

The Yoga Bird Asana is a very efficient way to strengthen your back muscles and to give a good massage to your abdominal organs. It is suitable to advanced and beginners students. Highly efficient to prevent back problems! Demonstrated by Atmanshanti, Yoga Teacher and Performance Artist. More Information on Yoga Bird on
