Migraine Headache can be cured by Yoga – Harilalji explains

Yoga Therapist Harilalji explains how Migraine Headache can be cured by Yoga Therapy. He claims that the success rate is near 100% – if the patient is really following the Yoga Therapy Rules For Asthma Treatment. Harilalji explains which elements are important for treating headache: Diet, Yoga exercises, breathing technique, stress management, mental techniques and more. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Harilalji.html and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


Asthma and Yoga Therapy – Harilal explains

Asthma can be relieved, even cured by Yoga Therapy. Yoga Therapist Harilalji explains how Yoga can help with Asthma. He explains which Pranayamas, which Asanas, and Kriyas are effective in healing Asthma. He gives hints on diet, and how to deal with stress. Harilalji has lots of experience with Asthma patients – and knows from experience how Asthma can be cured with Yoga Therapy. Yoga Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Harilalji.html and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


Difference between Yoga Therapy and Normal Yoga

What is the difference between Yoga Therapy and normal Yoga? Acharya Harilal gives an answer to this question. Excerpts from an interview of Sukadev and Harilal in Yoga Yoga Vidya Germany. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Harilalji.html and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


Yoga Exercises during the day

Practice a few Yoga exercises during the day – even in front of the Computer/smartphone/ipad. Yoga Therapist Harilalji explains which practices can be especially helpful. For good health, relaxation, new energy and inner strength. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


Yoga Therapy Training Course

What can participants of 4-week Yoga Therapy Training Course expect? What will the participants learn? What can the graduates do with what they learn? Acharya Harilalji speaks about the Yoga Therapy Training Courses he conducts in Germany and India. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


What is Yoga Therapy? Acharya Harilalji Answers

What is Yoga Therapy? Acharya Harilaji gives the meaning of Yoga Therapy in a nut shell – a short and precise answer on a far reaching question… Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Harilalji.html and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ .


What Diseases can be treated by Yoga Therapy? Shri Harilalji answers

Acharya Harilalji explains what Yoga Therapy is good for. He explains that Yoga Therapy can be used for treating psychosomatical diseases, for supporting Allopathy, for Rehabilitation and for any stress-related diseases. Some physiological disease can be treated by Yoga Therapy alone. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany https://www.yoga-vidya.de/nc/seminar-uebersicht/nach-seminarleiter/seminar-nach-seminarleiter/Harilalji.html and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala http://www.arshayoga.org/ . Harilalji is from the tradition of Swami Sivananda. Harilalji trained in the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanvanthari Ashram in Neyyar Dam, India. This Ashram was founded by Swami Vishnu-devananda, who was a disiple of Swami Sivananda. There is a Podcast with the original voice of Swami Sivananda http://www.swami-sivananda.de/category/podcast-audio-mp3/


Meditation on the breath in your throat

A Mindfulness Meditation for soothing your mind, to open the Vishuddha Chakra. This is useful to reduce access appetite und to develop contentment. Concentration on the throat in this way also helps to controle undesired urges. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions. You can use Mantras for Meditation, too. You can find Mantras with their proper pronunciation in the Mantra Meditation Podcast https://mantra-meditation.podspot.de. The Interface is German – but the Mantras are in Sanskrit.


Easy Mantra Meditation

An easy Meditation for Peace of Mind: Repeat a Mantra while observing your breath. Develop a state of relaxed attentiveness. This is a kind of Mindfulness Meditation in combination with a Mantra. It is one of the most effective Meditation techniques, especially for beginners. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation, Tulsi is seen on the Video. If you are interested in the more philosophical and psychological, even the spiritual aspects of Yoga, you might be interested in the Yoga Vedanta Tantra Podcast http://www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org. Audio Talks of Yoga Masters from India, UK and US.


Meditation on the Movement of Breath – Chakra Mindulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation for opening up your Chakras, your Energy Centers: You observe the movement of breath in different parts of your body. As these parts of your body are connected with the the different Chakras, you open up these Chakras, thus balancing your energies. This Meditation technique is an easy way for centering, for opening up and for new insight. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions. Here another Promo: You might be interested in Ayurveda Videos, too. These are in German language. But some are very interesting from the point of you of the Visuals: https://ayurveda-video.podspot.de/rss, not the most recent Ayurveda Videos, though.


Getting into Chakrasana Yoga Wheel Pose

Charlotta demonstrates how to get into Chakrasana, the Yoga Wheel Posture. No explanations, no sound, no music. Just watch and get inspired! Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video. This here is an English Video Channel. But we know that some of the viewers come from Germany. If you speak German, you might be interested in the Audio Podcast Channel „Vorträge über Yoga und Meditation https://sukadev.podspot.de/rss


Meditation on your Heart

Meditation on the movement of breath in your chest. For opening your heart, developing the feeling of joy and love. This is a mindfulness meditation with effect on Anahata Chakra, your heart center. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions. If you like Mantras, you might want to try out our Mantra mp3 Podcast https://mantra.podspot.de/rss


Twisting Vira Bhadrasana Yoga Posture 2 – silent movie

Twisting Vira Bhadrasana – another Variation. For better flexibility and strength. No explanations – no music. Just for watching. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video. And we have several other Podcasts channels, among them a German Meditation Video Talk Podcast https://yoga-meditation-vortrag.podspot.de


Meditation on the breath in your Nostrils

Develop calmness of mind by this simple meditation exercise: You concentrate on the movement of the breath in your nostrils. According to Hatha Yoga this balances out the sun and moon energies in your system, as these are related to your nostrils. This meditation belongs to the Mindfulness Meditation Techniques form Hatha Yoga system, similar to Sakshi Bhav and Vipassana Meditation. You do not need to know the meaning of these terms – you can just start with the practice, right now, for example… More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions.


Upward Facing Vira Bhadrasana – Silent Yoga Movie

For opening the heart, for joy and strength. Upward Facing Vira Bhadrasana – Yoga Heroe Pose. Silent Movie: No sound, no voice, no explanations. Just watch. And watch carefully. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos can be found at http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video


Twisting Vira Bhadrasana – Yoga Heroe Pose Silent

Silent Movie. Twisting Vira Bhadrasana – the twisting Heroe Posture. For strengthening your legs. For new energy and inner smile. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video


Meditation on the Breath on your upper lip: Mindefulness Meditation

A special Mindfulness Meditation for calming the mind and inner peace. You sit nice and straight and observe the movement of air on your upper lips while you inhale and exhale. You can use this technique for the beginning of you normal meditation – or for calming your mind and enhancing your awareness anytime during the day. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions.


Headstand and Scorpion – Advanced Yoga Asanas – Silent Movie

From Child’s Pose to Yoga Headstand, Scorpion and back to the Child’s Pose. A more advanced Yoga Sequence. Charlotta demonstrates. No voice, no explanations, no music. You can watch and get inspired. Yoga practicioner: Carlotta. Concept, camera: Sukadev. Both Yoga Teachers in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video


Meditation on the tip of your nose

Observe the movement of breath at the tip of your nose. This mindfulness meditation is very useful to calm the mind and soothe the emotions. Concentration on the tip of the nose is recommended in the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gherandha Samhita. It is easy to practice – and has powerful effects. You can use this technique at the beginning of your normal meditation. You can use it as your main meditation technique. You can also calm your mind at anytime during the day. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions.


Meditation for Centering

Meditate on the movement of breath while breathing. This Meditation helps you to center yourself. It opens up the Manipura Chakra. According to Kundalini Yoga, Manipura Chakra is the seat of the Fire Energy. This is an easy Meditation Exercise to stimulate the Manipura Chakra. It helps to develop courage, enthusiasm and inner strenght. More Videos on Yoga and Meditation http://my.yoga-vidya.org/video . Sukadev Bretz of Yoga Vidya guides you into meditation. You can see Tulsi following the meditation instructions.
