Advanced Yoga Demonstration of Chakrasana

See advanced chakrasana variations performed by Carlotta in the Yoga Vidya ashram in Germany. These exercises are quite powerful and demanding. Watch, enjoy and try it yourself – if you are flexible and strong enough! No sound, no commentary, just inspiring pictures. Start yoga or become a yoga teacher, more information at


Advanced Headstand with variations

Carlotta demonstrates advanced variations during the headstand (via google translated page). Your headstand should be already very stable and comfortable for these exercises.
Improves flexibility of whole spine, strength, courage and willpower.
Watch Carlottas supreme performance. No sound, just pictures and inspirational images. Learn, practice and teach Yoga! Information at


Yogic Abdominal Muscle Training

Carlotta shows a dynamic variation of Yoga Navasana, the Yoga Boat. This exercise specifically trains the abdominal muscles. Video made in the Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg, for educational purposes and demonstration. No sound, no commentary. More asana videos (English) and (German).


Tree Yoga Posture

Learn to practice the tree, yoga posture for balance, mental equilibrium and concentration. A wonderful exercise which you can do directly in front the computer, whenever you want to relax and recharge. Performed by Georgina, commented by Sukadev from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany,


Meditation für Verbundenheit und Freude mit Leela Mata

Leela Maata leitet dich zu einer speziellen Meditationstechnit an um Entspannung zu entwickeln, neue Energie zu bekommen und ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit. Sie hilft dir dich mit der Liebe der Mutter Erde zu verbinden und mit dem goldenen Licht des Himmels. Sie führt dich jenseits aller Identifikationen. Nach dieser Meditation fühlst du dich regeneriert und voller Energie. Am Anfang sind noch einige andere Geräusche zu hören. Die Sound-Qualität wird aber im Laufe der Meditation immer besser. Leela Mata ist Gründerin und Leiterin des Peaceful Valley Ashram Pennsylvania. Diese Anleitung ist in Englisch mit Übersetzung. Eine Aufnahme im Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg, wo Leela Mata Seminare, Ausbildungen und Workshops gibt.


Opening Your Heart

Open your heart and develop flexibility of your upper spine. This simple Yoga exercise is especially helpful for anybody sitting for long hours. You can practice this whenever you want or feel the need for a stretch in your chest. Caution: You must have a stable chair which will not fall when leaning against the back. Presented by Lisa and Sukadev of Yoga Vidya,


Yoga Mudrasana – Different Variations – Advanced and Beginners

A Yoga Posture for health of the abdominal organs, for better digestion, for inner surrender and relaxation. Aruna shows you different variations: More advanced as well as beginner’s variations of this Hatha Yoga Asana. This Video gives valuable hints for the beginner, the intermediate and the advanced student. It is especially helpful for Yoga Teachers who want to see the different variations they can recommend to their students. More on Yoga Mudrasana . More Yoga Videos on . Filmed at Yoga Vidya Germany. Instructor, Camera: Sukadev.


Self-Healing Practice – Five Energy to your knees

Give energy to your knees – or any other part of your body. Activate the energy of your palms by rubbing your palms or by Yoga breathing exercise Kapalabhati. Afterwards you send this energy of your hands into the part of the body which needs healing energy. This is an easy-to learn and yet powerful practice. Caution: This Video is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor or health practioner. It is intended for those who want to support healing processes. Demonstrated by Aruna, instructed and filmed by Sukadev from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga eye exercises on this Youtube-video


Yoga Bound Lotus Posture – Bandha Padmasana and Yoga Mudrasana

Advanced Yoga Asanas: Aruna shows you how to get into the bound Lotus position Bandha Padmasana, followed by Yoga Mudrasana. This Video is for more advanced students – or for anybody who is curious to see a more advanced Yoga practicioner. Aruna show you how to do it, Sukadev gives a running comment. Filmed at Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Infos on Lotus Position on . More Yoga Videos


Lotus Posture – how to master it

For more advanced students only: Aruna shows how to get into the full lotus posture. She first shows two preliminary exercises, then shows how to put your feet onto your thigh. Caution: Try this out only if you know what you are doing and if you feel no pain in your knees. Instructor: Sukadev. Filmed in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Yoga Videos on Many photographs about the Yoga Padmasana, the Lotus Asana.


Developing Lotus Flexibility – Preparing Yoga Padmasana Sitting Position

Open your hips, develop the flexibility necessary for Lotus Posture Padmasana – and to sit more confortably in any cross-legged position. Aruna and Sukadev instruct you to butterfly (Bhadrasana), Knee-Rocking (Yoga Nidra Pre-Pose), sitting triangle. If you master these three preliminary exercises, you will master the full lotus pose quite easily. More Information on the Lotus pose with many photographs . There are other Videos about Yoga Lotus Seat and other sitting positions in this channel and on


Meditation on the Divine Light in Your Heart

Narayani guides you into a Upanishadic Meditation on the Light in your Heart. Heart-opening, joy-invoking. Narayani uses the Words from an Upanishad, and adds a few of her own. More Yoga Videos . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany and in Spain at Sananda Yoga/Yoga Center . Camera: Sukadev Bretz.


Scorpion with a Pillow- Hatha Yoga Asana

Progress in an advanced Yoga Asana – Vrischikasana. Narayani shows you how to advance in your scorpion – by using a pillow. This strengthens your core, increases balance and inner poise. More Infos on Scorpion . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany and in Spain at Sananda Yoga/Yoga Center . Camera: Sukadev Bretz.


Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli explained – Narayani talks about the benefits of these 2 Yoga Kriyas

Learn about the benefits of Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli, 2 of the most important Yoga Kriyas, cleansing and energising Yoga practices. Sukadev, founder-director of Yoga Vidya Germany, interviews Narayani, Yoga Teacher from London. You will learn about the benefits of these Kriyas, how you can learn them, when and how often you can practice them, and which variations you can try out. More Infos on Nauli with some photos . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany


Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli in Kneeling Position – Yoga for your Abdomen

Increase abdominal strength, imporve your digestion with Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli in kneeling position. Narayani, Yoga Teacher from London, demonstrates these two important Yoga Kriyas and explains how they are done. Some students will find that especially Nauli is much easier in kneeling position than in standing position, some find it the other way round. Try it out – find out what works best for you. More Infos on Nauli with some photos . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany


Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli – Yoga Kriyas for your Abdomen Part 1 of 3

Yoga for your abdominal organs, for centering and activation of Prana. Narayani explains and demonstrates how to do Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli Kriyas. With Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli you stimulate your internal organs, gain mastery over your abdominal muscles, stimulate the Prana in your solar plexus, stimulate the digestive fire (Agni). These Yoga Kriyas also help to wake up in the morning and start the day with lots of energy. You can also integrate Uddhiyana Bandha and Nauli into your Asana routine. Narayani shows how to do these Kriyas. More Infos on Nauli with some photos . Narayani is giving Yoga Seminars at Yoga Vidya Germany


Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapist Harilalji explains how multiple sclerosis can be treated by Yoga therapy. Harilalji tells about the Yoga Views on MS. He explains how Yoga effects the causes of MS. He shows which practices are especially helpful. Harilalji is giving seminars in Yoga Vidya Germany and in Arsha Vidya Ashram Kerala .
