Plow in Prayer Yoga Asana Variation

This advanced yoga variation, the plow in prayer position, is recommended for anyone who is comfortable in the plow, and whose feet are close to the floor when in the plow position. It is best to do a warm-up before attempting this variation. Recorded at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg. Demonstrated by Ruth and Mahashakti. Camera Eduard. Voice Sita.
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For more information on english courses at Yoga Vidya please see here .


Yoga Eagle

The eagle, or garuda, posture is demonstrated in this video. The eagle is a balancing posture which has many benefits such as strengthening the arms, legs, knees and ankles, improving circulation, and improving balance and ability to concentrate. Recorded at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg. Demonstrated by Chris. Camera: Chandrashekara. Voice: Sita.

For more information on all things related to yoga, videos, blog posts, music please see here .
For more information on english courses at Yoga Vidya please see here .


Yoga Camel Variation

In this sequence, you can learn how to go from the camel pose, ustrasana, to laying down, to get a good stretch for the thighs. This is best for people who do not have knee problems, and who have warmed up a little before. Recorded at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg. Demonstrated by Krishnapriya. Camera: Ravidas. Voice: Sita.

For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .


How To Do The Pigeon Kapotasana

Learn how to come easily into the yoga pigeon posture, kapotasana, with this video. With a combination of slow, explanatory stretches, you will be better able to come deeply into this posture, considered one of the best for stretching many muscles at the same time. It might be helpful to do a warm-up of at least a few sun salutations beforehand. Demonstrated by Ruth and Mahashakti. Camera Eduard. Voice Sita.

For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .


Advanced Yoga Lotus Sequence

Watch this advanced asana demonstration going from child’s pose, to inverted V (or downward dog), to shoulder stand in lotus, to fish in lotus, to seated forward bend. Get new inspiration and try it yourself – it is best done by people who can already do the seated lotus posture, and who have warmed up a little beforehand. Demonstrated by Krishnapriya. Camera: Ravidas. Voice: Sita.

For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .


Yoga Plow with Half-Lotus Variation

The plow with half-lotus variation is demonstrated in this video. A good variation to add to any yoga routine. Recorded at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg. Demonstrated by Ruth. Camera: Ravidas. Voice: Sita.

For more information on all things related to yoga, videos, blog posts, music please see here .
For more information on english courses at Yoga Vidya please see here .


Inverted V to Shoulder Stand Sarvangasana

Learn the technique of coming to shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) from the inverted V, or downward dog position. This video is for people who have already been practicing a little bit of yoga. Recorded at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg. Demonstrated by Krishnapriya. Camera: Ravidas. Voice: Sita.

For more information on all things related to yoga, videos, blog posts, music please see here .
For more information on english courses at Yoga Vidya please see here .


Headstand Variations

Learn how to do some intermediate variations of the headstand, or Sirshasana, with this video. Demonstrated are: coming into and out of headstand with straight legs, scissors kicks, and side to side twists with feet together. Demonstrated by: Katja. Camera: Eduard. Voice: Sita.
For more information on english yoga classes and seminars at Yoga Vidya please see .
For more information on all topics related to yoga, videos, blogs, music, etc. please see .


A Day in the Life of a Swami

Swami Bodhichitananda shares with us some insight into what it is like to live as a Swami. He is currently living in Rishikesh and is the founder of the Himalayan Yogis Ashram. Now he is visiting Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg in Germany. For more information on seminars and courses with Swami Bodhichitananda please see .


Yoga Vidya Journal Nr. 27 Herbst 2013

Das Yoga Vidya Journal mit Artikeln zu allen Aspekten des Yoga und verwandten Gebieten. Das Yoga Vidya Journal ist das offizielle Organ des Bundes der Yoga Vidya Lehrer. Hauptthema diese Journals ist der KlangNada Yoga: Alles ist Klang!

Mehr über Yoga, Meditation und Spiritualität findest du unter


Swami Bodhichitananda on Integrating the Four Paths of Yoga

Swami Bodhichitananda gives us a short explanation on the importance of integrating the four main paths of yoga – raja, karma, bhakti, and jnana yoga. This approach was advocated by Swami Sivananda from Rishikesh. For more english videos please see . For more on english seminars given at Yoga Vidya, Germany, please go to .


Teaching as a Traveling Swami

In this video Swami Bodhichitananda talks about what it is like to be a traveling Swami, and about some of the courses and seminars he teaches at the Yoga Vidya centers in Germany. Some of the topics are Kriya Yoga, Integral Spirituality, and Yoga Mythology and Symbolism, and they are in english with german translation. For more information on these and other seminars led by Swami Bodhichitananda, and courses led by other english speakers, please see here .


Swami Bodhichitananda gives advice to new spiritual aspirants

In this video Swami Bodhichitananda gives advice to new aspirants on the spiritual path – he tells what he thinks is the most important thing to developing a strong spiritual practice. Swami Bodhichitananda teaches english courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya – you can see the schedule here .



An easy mantra meditation combined with mindfulness. 10 minutes of meditation for inner peace and joy. Sukadev Bretz, founder of Yoga Vidya Germany, guides you into meditation in several steps: (1) asana, the proper meditation posture, (2) pranayama, deep breathing, (3) affirmation, (4) mantra meditation itself. This easy mantra mindfulness meditation is especially suited to beginners: you learn awareness and the attitude of a witness – while benefitting from the power of the mantra om. More meditation videos on


Relaxation For Beginners and Advanced With Shakti And Arjuna – Mèly Ellazulàs Sáktival Ès Ardzsunáv

With this video you can learn easily the progress of physical and mental relaxation. By improving our ability to relax, we learn to release stress and activate our inner source of power.
Exercises: Progressive muscle relaxation, autosuggestion, vizualization, silence, closing Mantras.
You can find more information about yoga, meditation and ayurveda on
Ezzel a videòval egyszerü lèpèsekben elsajàtìthatod a testi lelki ellazulàs folyamatàt. Az ellazulàs kèpessège fontos, hogy ellene hassunk a stressznek ès aktivàljuk belsö eröforràsunkat.
Gyakorlatok: Progressziv izomellazìtàs, autoszugessziò, vizualizàciò, csend, zàrò mantràk.
További videókat ès információkat a jògàròl, a meditàciòròl ès az ajurvèdàròl weboldalon találsz


Surya Namaskar With Shakti And Arjuna For Beginners And Advanced – Szurja Namaszkar

If You do not have much time for practising, with this video You can practise only Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation. The Sun Salutation warms up all the muscles of your body and activates the Prana, the life energy. A harmonic Prana Flow is the key for physical and mental help. Find more information about yoga, meditation and ayurveda on
Ha nincs időd hosszabban gyakorolni, akkor ezzel a videóval gyakorolhatod a Napüdvözletet, a Szurja Namaszkart önmagàban is. A Napüdvözlet bemelegíti tested összes izmát és aktiválja az életenergiát, a pránát, amelynek harmonikus folyása testi lelki egészségünk kulcsa. További videókat ès információkat a jògàròl, a meditációról ès az ajurvédáról weboldalon találsz


Carlotta demonstrates a variation of paschimotthonasana

Carlotta demonstrates a straddled variation of paschimotthonasana. With paschimotthanasana you can improve your patience and devotion. It opens the sushumna and activates the chakras. Watch and enjoy Carlottas performance. No sound, just pictures and inspirational images. Learn, practice and teach Yoga! Information at


Dynamic Cat Pose with Carlotta

Relax your back with this simple exercise. You can do the dynamic cat pose after shalabhasana or dhanurasana in a classical yoga class or just when it is good for your back. Watch Carlottas performance. No sound, just pictures and inspirational images. Learn, practice and teach Yoga! Information at


Matsyasana – Yoga Fish Posture: Basic and Advanced

Matsyasana, the yogic fish posture. Basic position and advanced variations. Short movie, no sound, no commentary. For closer studies and for educational purposes. Film made in the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg Germany, Yoga School, Meditation and Retreat Location.
