[Meditation, Spiritualität] Re: Mantra OM

Das Mantra OM schließt in sich alle anderen Mantras ein. So wie im Ajna Chakra alle anderen Chakras als Potenz vorhanden sind. So kann man auch alein das OM als Mantra nehmen – und man kann sich auch auf das Ajna Chakra am meisten konzentrieren, ohne dass ein Ungleichgewicht entsteht. Das Ajna Chakra ist ja auch über den Elemente-Chakras – und enthält damit alle Elemente in sich. http://bit.ly/dsVqnT

[Meditation, Spiritualität] Re: Chakrakonzentration

Lieber Sukadev,

vielen Dank!
Eine Frage habe ich noch: Ich habe gehört, dass man Bija-Matras nur verwenden soll, wenn man alle Chakras durchgeht und mit den entsprechenden Mantras anspricht, da sonst ein Ungleichgewicht entstehen kann. Warum ist es dann möglich, im Ajna Chakra auf Dauer Om zu wiederholen, das ist ja im Prinzip auch ein Bija-Mantra.

Vielen Dank für Deine Info,
Mira http://bit.ly/a7MSTl

Tenali Rama I

1. Tenali Ramakrishna- Introduction
Laughter brings a sense of lightness and freshness and infuses a new spirit. All people laugh; but only a few can make others laugh. And only a specially gifted man can make a king, careworn with the burden of administration, laugh! Laughter mirrors a man’s nature. What does a man laugh at, whom does he make fun of and why-these can show how mature his mind is. Humour enlightens the foolish pride of others and tries to correct others a… http://bit.ly/98jP1E

Banana as medicine and other uses

The main ingredients of all fruits which we need are fibre and among the citrus family of fruits are the Vit C relevant to our disease profile in India,of increasing cardiovascular diseases of heart diseases,diabetes and stroke
and cancer,there is definitely a very strong need to include more anti-oxidants,fibre rich food in our diet.

The fruits good from anti-oxidant point of view are all the citrus family like oranges,mosambi.mandarins,clementines… http://bit.ly/cQzaYn

Healthy Food Substitutes

Whether you are health conscious or a little overweight or blessed with a speedy metabolic rate, keeping an eye on your diet is always recommended.
Cutting down your food intake is always the answer. All it takes is a sensible substitute. Here are a few suggestions for healthy substitutions.

Gelatine desserts vs. cakes and brownies

We all know just how rich cakes and brownies can be and that these rich delicacies leave us poorer in health. Gelatine desserts can be a de… http://bit.ly/9l1kqN

Why is a wife called a better half

This is interesting. Try it out! Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger?
There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese…..

Thumb represents your Parents
Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
Middle finger represents your-Self
Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
& the Last (Little) finger represents your children

Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together – back to


Gandhi and Indian National Congress

Mahatma Gandhi’s entry and meteoric rise in the Indian political scenario following his return from South Africa in 1918, has been variously equated with the emergence of a guiding light to a breath of fresh air. Indian national Congress was the single most popular party, spearheading India’s war for independence when Gandhi returned, having led two successful revolutions in South Africa. They were conducted on the lines of Satyagraha, Gandhi’s personal mode of non-violent resistance. Indian Nat… http://bit.ly/aMAswc

Gandhi and the Indian National Congress

Mahatma Gandhi’s entry and meteoric rise in the Indian political scenario following his return from South Africa in 1918, has been variously equated with the emergence of a guiding light to a breath of fresh air. Indian national Congress was the single most popular party, spearheading India’s war for independence when Gandhi returned, having led two successful revolutions in South Africa. They were conducted on the lines of Satyagraha, Gandhi’s personal mode of non-violent resistance. Indian Nat… http://bit.ly/bdrRRH

Knowledge and ignorance THE HINDU

Chennai: Many of us might have wondered if we were around when the Lord took avataras like the Rama avatara and Krishna avatara. Maybe we were, but we are still on this earth now, to wonder thus, only because of our ignorance. If, when we had been born many times earlier, we had had knowledge about the nature of the atma and how to reach the feet of Lord Narayana, then we would not be here again, said M.A. Venkatakrishnan in a discourse.
Until we realise who we are, and… http://bit.ly/9lqAhq

Karma and Jnana

CHENNAI: The Vedas are the highest Knowledge and are eternal like God. They exist for the benefit of mankind. The truths they convey are revelations. The Vedas speak of rituals and sacrifices, kinds of worship and prayers, duties and conduct, values of life, etc., that provide a guideline to an individual’s personal, social and cultural life. Together, these portions are called Karma Kanda. The Upanishads, which contain the essence of the knowledge portion of the Vedas,… http://bit.ly/dq9APS

Authentisch indisch essen im Ruhrgebiet?


ich war Weihnachten/Neujahr in Indien und bin seitdem nicht mehr so ganz glücklich mit den indischen Restaurants, die ich hier kenne. Hat vielleicht jemand einen Tipp, wo man möglichst authentisch und uneingedeutscht indisch essen gehen kann (Essen und Umgebung)? Was ich besonders schade finde, ist, dass es meist zwar eine Fülle von Tellergerichten gibt, aber keinen Tali mit Veda, Dosa, Paratha oder Ähnlichem…

Om shanti,

[Privater An- und Verkauf] Re: NEU , Bina Harmonium No.23 DeLuxe zu verkaufen , Krishna Das

Hallo Jessica

Du scheinst hier ja imme wieder mal Post zu bekommen, wie auch von mir jetzt, lach.
Nun denn, ich gehe davon aus, dass dein Harmonium schon lange verkauft ist. Ich suche halt auch ein 23 B Deluxe usw…..
Kannst Du mir einen Tip geben wo ich evt eines bekomme ??

Liebe Grüße aus Horn Bad Meinberg

Om Namo Shivaja http://bit.ly/awHJ5a

Neue Yoga Community – http://www.ninguvital.yooco.de –

Ich würde mich freuen euch auch in der neuen Yoga community begrüßen zu können…

Alles zum Tehma Yoga, Veranstaltungen Erfahrungen, Meditation, meditationstechniken, Erfahrungsaustausch und hilfe für angehende Yogalehrer von angehenden Yogalehrern für  angehende Yogalehrer…

Eine Plattform für Yogabegeisterte… aus aller Welt… lade deine lieblingsmusik oder Videos zum Thema hoch und teile diese mit allen…

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Does the Supreme Have any wish or desire

God has created man only for love – „ekaaki ne ramate.“ (Cannot delight being all alone). Thererfore manifestation of love can only take place in human beings. Of all the species in this world, only human beings are capable of saying „you are mine and I am yours“ or „there is you and you alone“ (Tu hi Tu). The reason is that God has created this world for all beings, but he has created man for Himself. God has bestowed man with the ability and the power to regard Him as his own and to discard th… http://bit.ly/9Zsj18