FREE TALK on the ‚Secret‘ Knowledge and Techniques found in the Ancient Palm Leaf Manuscripts from India

In a few days I will be in Australia to give ‚Soul Healings‘ and
Seminars in Byron Bay and Sydney! The knowledge I will be teaching is
based on the ’secret‘ knowledge and techniques found in the ancient palm
leaf manuscripts from India.
You will learn how to connect and
understand the secrets of the great master Saints, Sages, and Divine

There are two seminar days offered for free:

the seats are very limited you should reserve your seats right away to
not miss…

The importance of Time – Ugadi new year message from Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Bharathi Teertha Swamiji

“ Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya points out thinking about the Lord is a must. One who spends his or her life without the thought of God is devoid of discrimination and is not wise.
The Acharya points out:

One Muhurta consists of 48 minutes. The Acharya says that even if one such Muhurta period of 48 minutes is lost without the thought of the Lord, we have to feel sorry. How? What we see in our experience is given as an example in the verse. One might have acquired and stored a lot of materia…

The Holy Alphabet

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of “ Camp Complaining „
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with wor…

Power To Heal And Renew by Christopher Mendonka

Power To Heal And Renew Speaking Tree
Christopher Mendonca

The Sacred Tridium of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter has its roots in the celebration of the Passover by the Israelites 12 centuries before Christ. Memorial for the Hebrew means making present in the “now” the event that took place years ago, not merely in the sense of remembering it, but believing that what happened then happens even now, in our very midst with the same intensity with which it first occurred. The ‘symbols’ of…

Power of our Thoughts


Thoughts carry tremendous creative power. Consciously or not, before every spoken word,
there is a thought.
In the same way, there is a thought proceeding every action.
Since thoughts shape our words and behaviors, they inevitably
shape our environment, relationships and destiny.

As part of our unique human power, our higher reasoning process
separates us from other species.
With our birth gifts of higher thoughts, inventions are made and
modern civilization becomes a reality.


FREE TALK on the ‚Secret‘ Knowledge and Techniques found in the Ancient Palm Leaf Manuscripts from India

In a few days I will be in
Australia to give ‚Soul Healings‘ and Seminars in Byron Bay and Sydney!
The knowledge I will be teaching is based on the ’secret‘ knowledge and
techniques found in the ancient palm leaf manuscripts from India.
will learn how to connect and understand the secrets of the great
master Saints, Sages, and Divine energies.

There are two seminar
days offered for free:

As the seats are very limited you should
reserve your seats right away to not miss…

Gleichnis vom Vogel und der Baumwollkapse

Gleichnis vom Vogel und der Baumwollkapsel
Ein Vogel hatte sein Nest auf dem Zweig eines Baumwollbaumes gebaut. In der Nähe des Nests hing eine unreife Frucht. Jeden Tag schaute der Vogel nach ihr und dachte: „Sobald sie reif ist, wer

Die Kunst des Yoga – Workshops mit Yogi Dinesh Kashikar, dem beliebten und weltweit unterrichtenden Yogalehrer und Ausbilder

Liebe Freunde,
wir laden ein zu einem einzigartigen Yogaerlebnis in Berlin am
13. und 14. April!

Dinesh Kashikar, genannt Kashi, ein wirklich fantastischer
Sri Sri Yogalehrer und –ausbilder, wird durch Deutschland reisen,
um in vielen Städten Sri Sri Yoga Workshops und Kurse zu geben.

Viele Menschen, die Kashi in aller Welt in seinen Yogakursen
kennengelernt haben, berichten darüber, mit welcher Liebe,
Leichtigkeit und Freude sowie unbeschreib

[Sanskrit, Mantras] Bija Mantras der Chakras richtig aussprechen

Das ist natürlich nicht so einfach, das per Forums-Beitrag zu schreiben. Aber so schwer sind gerade die Bija Mantras der Chakras nicht: Sie werden gesprochen, wie man sie schreibt… Mit kurzem "A"
"Lam" z.B. wird also so ausgesprochen wie das deutsche "Lamm" (junges Schaf).
"SH" in dieser Transkription wird ähnlich ausgesprochen wie das deutsche "sch".
"OM" dagegen im langem "O" – also wie "Ohm".
Alles Gute und viel Inspiration.